Clearwater Aviation Academy is a Certified CATS Testing Center. We offer ALL FAA Test available with PSI, including the FAA Inspection Authorization test. Here is a list of a few of the FAA Tests Offered at Clearwater Aviation onsite are:
- FAA Recreational Pilot
- FAA Sport Pilot
- FAA Private Pilot
- FAA Instrument Pilot
- FAA Commercial Pilot
- FAA Flight Instructor Ratings
- FAA Airline Transport Pilot 121 & 135
- FAA Flight Engineer Tests
- FAA Powerplant, Airframe & General Tests
- FAA Aircraft Dispatcher
- FAA Inspection Authorization
- FAA Military Competence
- FAA Parachute Rigger
- FAA Unmanned Aircraft General

Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 0800 to 1600 & Saturday 0700 - 0900. (Closed Major Holidays) Please call for an appointment. (727) 538-0318.